Schedule for the CSM, 2015 and CSP,
the outset, I hope that all of you must have written the CSP, 2015 very well
which makes you eligible to appear for CSM, 2015. As a serious aspirant of
Civil Services, you must have started your preparation for CSM, without waiting
for result. At this juncture, I would like to support you by way of sharing
notes and conducting test series as delineated below.
some of the aspirants waste time waiting for result, which is not correct and
mistake of a highest order. You are hardly left with anytime after the result. I hope, none of you are in that category. If
so, start your Main preparation today itself.
some of you are not able to score around 105, as widely speculated to be
cut-off mark for writing the Main exam, then also, it is advisable to take the
Main test series with prudence and foresight. It will immensely help you in
your CSP, 2016. It is to be noted that if you prepare for interview, CSM will
become easier for you and similarly if you prepare for CSM, CSP would become much
easier for you. Further, it would be of
great help to you in your CSM preparation in 2016. Please take it seriously and
with confidence friends. Please note friends, no experience can be purchased
and it can only be acquired through experience alone. You aim shall be getting
top rank in UPSC final list, not simply to quality Prelims or Mains.
Schedule for CSM General Studies:
will try to give some important questions in all 4 GS papers subject wise and
you will be given 2 to 3 days time to write the answers on your own. Then model
answers would be placed in the blog. Some important notes also will be shared
with you in the blog. This will start from 1st week of October,
CSM, Optional: Anthropology:
would like to guide the students with Anthropology as optional. I will be
giving 2 to 3 complete QP [both Paper I and paper II] with expected questions
based on the analysis of previous years question papers. You will be given a
week’s time to write the answers on your own. Then model answers or guide-lines
how to write answer, would be provided to you in the blog. If any followers of
the group, desire that I would evaluate their answer sheets and return to them,
such requests would be considered on a specific case to case basis.
may complete the reading of anthropology syllabus on or before 15th
October, 2015. The exam schedule would be as under.
Anthropology CSM 2016,
schedule of Test Series
Test Paper-1
Test Paper-2
Test Paper-3
Civil Services Preliminary, 2016:
can follow the schedule given last year and practice the subject wise tests
placed in my blog for CSP, 2015. This task, you can complete on or before 15th
February, 2016. This year we will conduct test series with 10 CSP exams of GS
I, similarly on UPSC pattern. In the GS-I, the first 3 to 4 test papers will
focus mostly on basics, especially from NCERT and others similar sources. You will
be tested with basic knowledge on each and every subject in these tests. Then 3
to 4 tests would be really testing your depth in the subjects. The remaining
tests would be exactly on UPSC pattern. It means that out of 100 questions, 30
to 40 easy and simple questions which can be attempted by any fairly prepared aspirants;
about 30 to 40 deeper questions set both on factual and applications which can
be attempted by those aspirants who have mugged up the facts and understood the
concepts and remaining 20 to 30 questions which are really difficult to answer,
but experienced or skillful aspirants who really understood the subject with
minute details and can make intelligent guess-work, would be able to answer.
General studies Paper
I of CSP 2016, schedule of Test Series
February, 2016
Test Series 1
Test Series 2
March, 2016
Test Series 3
Test Series 4
April, 2016
Test Series 5
Test Series 6
May, 2016
Test Series 7
Test Series 8
June, 2016
Test Series 9
Test Series 10
wish that you would go for systematic and consistent preparation which would
make you to reach your goal at the earliest possible time. It is pleasure to
get a feedback from some of the followers of the blog over phone and through
blog that our last year test series helped in a big way. I hope this schedule
also would help you in your endeavor and get you an edge over others.
Note: Due to paucity of time and busy
schedule of my office, there may be short or more delay in implementing the
above exam schedule. Otherwise, every effort would be made to stick to the
Wish you best of luck.
Yours friendly
B.Yadagiri, IRS.,