Friday, 16 December 2016

UPSC Civil Services Main, 2016 Anthropology Optional Question Paper, 2016

UPSC Civil Services Main, 2016
Anthropology Optional Question Paper-1
Q. 1. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each:             10*5=50
       a. Differences between social anthropology and sociology
       b. Cultural relativism
       c. Lineage and clan
       d. Totemism
       e. Functionalism
Q.2. a. Delineate the salient features of Chalcolithic cultures                15
        b. Discuss the impact of urbanisation and feminist movements on family in India 20
        c. according to Geertz, how does the cockfight reveal aspects of Balinese
            Culture? 15
Q3. a. Describe the cardinal points of dissent and alliance theories         20
       b. Discuss different social control mechanisms in simple societies    15
       c. critically examine different anthropological approaches to religion  15
Q. 4. a. Discuss the principles governing production, distribution and exchange in
             simple societies 20
         b. How do the concepts of binary opposites and exchange figure in Levi-Straus’s     
             structural analysis of kinship?   15
         c. Describe the evolution of fieldwork traditions in anthropology      15


Q.5. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each:             10*5=50
       a. Rh-blood group
       b. Rhodesian Man
       c. Neolithic cultures of India
       d. Fertility and fecundity
       e. Forensic anthropology
Q. 6. a. Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in human evolution   15
         b. Explain the role of heredity and environment in the formation of races  15
         c. Discuss different factors affecting growth and development in human beings  20
Q.7. a. Critically discuss the Mendelian principles and their application to human
            Populations  15
        b. Explain the significance of screening and counselling for genetic disorders  15
        c. describe the scope of the epidemiological anthropology in the study of the
            infectious and non-infectious diseases      20
Q.8. a. Describe the role of anthropology in designing defence and other equipments 15
        b. Discuss the genetic and non-genetic factors in the bio-cultural adaptations of
            human beings to different environments  20
        c. Explain the skeletal changes due to erect posture and their implications 15

UPSC Civil Services Main, 2016
Anthropology Optional Question Paper-2
Q. 1. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each:             10*5=50
      a. Significance of Mesolithic findings from Belan Valley
      b. Linguistic elements in Indian population
      c. Relevance of caste in contemporary Indian politics
      d. Impact of Jainism on Indian society
      e. Ethno-archaeological evidence for the survival of panting gathering traditions in  
Q.2. a. Write about the contributions made by Chirstoph Von Furer-Heimendorf  to
           Anthropology in India 20
        b. Delineate the salient characteristics of “Narmada Man” and examine its
            Phylogenetic significance       15
        c. discuss how cultural diversity of the Indian tribes has enriched its plural
            traditions. 15
Q.3. a. Examine the structural and cultural theories of caste system in India 20
        b. Give a critical assessment of “Negrito Problem” in India   15
        c. Describe the traditional patterns of settlement of Indian villages 15
Q.4. a. Give a detailed appraisal of skeletal remains from Chalcolithic Culture of
           un-divided Punjab.  20
        b. How is process of tribe-caste continuum different from Sanskritisation?
            Comment. 15
        c. Compare the contribution of LP Vidyarthi and DN Majundar to the study of Indian
            Tribes     15

Q.5. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each:             10*5=50
      a. The role that regionalism plays in demand for autonomy among Indian tribes
      b. Biogenetic variability of Indian tribes
      c. Impact of industrialization on Scheduled Tribe population of Jharkhand
      d. Tribe as a colonial construct
      e. Anthropological interpretation of ethnic and political movements
Q. 6. a. Explain Indian village as a social system with suitable examples  20
         b. Examine the nature of interplay of little and great traditions in the context of
             globalization 15
        c. Explain the difficulties experienced by the scheduled tribes with regard to
            implementation of “Recognition of Forest Rights Act, 2006”
Q. 7.a. Examine the factors responsible for the exploitation of scheduled castes in India               
        b. Discuss the impact of Islam on Scheduled Tribes of India      15
        c. Describe how various tribal development programs and plans have impacted the
            process of social transformation among tribes       15

Q.8. a. Write in detail various provisions provided by the Constitution of India for the
            Scheduled tribes under 5th and 6th schedules           20
        b. Critically examine the role of NGOs and missionaries in the transformation of   
           Scheduled tribes and central India       15
       c. Describe how anthropological knowledge and methods are useful in rural
          Development           15


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